Corporate Training

Corporate training, or workplace learning, is a set of educational activities provided to employees, typically free of cost. It can cover a range of topics and improvement areas from soft skills to role-specific competencies. Corporate training benefits employees and businesses as it builds intellectual capital and upskills or reskills employees. The goal of a corporate training program is to enhance your employees’ personal and professional development. It can take place in a one-on-one or group setting, and it’s often led by a knowledgeable instructor.

Some common examples of training courses include: 

Compliance training 

Technical skills training 

Soft skills training

Onboarding and orientation 


People often mistake corporate training with corporate learning. But there are some key differences. 

A company that values and invests in learning opportunities has a corporate learning culture. Corporate learning is also usually employee-driven. Corporate training is formal training provided by the company. The goal of corporate training is to provide employees with skills and knowledge. So, it’s a part of corporate learning. To deliver a successful training program, employers need to align the goals of training with the business objectives. At the same time, the program must be engaging and meet your employees’ needs. 

One of the most engaging methods of corporate training is online learning. It is also called e-learning.  Preferred by most young professionals, corporate e-learning is expected to grow by more than 250% by 2026. And it’s not just employees who find value in online learning. Almost 3/4 of US businesses say that e-learning gives them a competitive advantage. Incorporating e-learning into your training is a must. It will help you remain competitive and meet the needs of your employees. 


                                             Why is corporate training important?

Investing in the career growth and skill development of employees is essential. Managers and individual contributors alike can benefit from corporate training. It helps keep teams aligned on company goals and positioning their personal growth to feed into that of the organization. Employees are also given the space and resources to flourish. With an effective training program, each individual creates a path with attainable goals that they can work toward within the company. In addition to the upskilling they gain, this clarity and vision can also help increase motivation, creativity, collaboration, and retention.


                                       4 reasons many corporate team trainings fail

Corporate training programs are designed for the benefit of employees. But many struggle to see value in them.  And rightfully so. Stuffy, outdated, and out-of-touch programs have given corporate training a bad reputation. Why do many training programs fail? Let’s take a look at four possible reasons.
1. Misalignment with employee needs 
One of the biggest concerns employees have is that they’re taught skills that they consider irrelevant. Training that isn’t aligned with your employees’ actual needs will leave them feeling disengaged. They’ll also not see any value in these programs.
Solution: focus on training that teaches skills relevant to today’s employees. 
2. Information overload 
Trying to stuff too much information in each training session will leave your employees burned out and overwhelmed.
Solution: use microlearning to make your training more effective and easily digestible. Microlearning is an online training that delivers information in short pieces of content. It can be delivered in the form of videos, infographics, job aids, or even a quick game.
3. Outdated training methods 
If you’re still using dull instruction manuals and old corporate training videos in 2023, it’s time to throw them out the window. No wonder employees dread corporate training when it involves outdated methods that put them straight to sleep. 
Solution: revamp your corporate training from boring to engaging and fun through methods like gamification. 
This popular method gives game-like elements to traditional learning material. This includes badges, points, or levels that employees will work through. 
A 2019 survey by TalentLMS found that 83% of employees who receive game-like training feel motivated. The same survey reveals that gamification increased employee engagement and productivity. 
4. Poor timing 
Employees don’t like corporate training because it’s often poorly timed. They’ll feel obligated to participate in training programs that they end up resenting.  Solution: Deloitte suggests using technology (like e-learning) to deliver personalized training that aligns with each employee’s schedule. Online training can be delivered at convenient times that don’t disrupt the workflow of your teams 


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